Well, today was our BIG ultra-sound and someone decided not to cooperate this morning. 🙁 I am pretty bummed. I know this is part of it but I am seriously getting all worked up about making decisions and getting the nursery ready. It wouldn’t be such a major deal if we weren’t moving across the country soon. I am doing my best to just breathe but man this is tough. I told Eric this morning we may have our hands full since the baby seems to take after me….”I will do what I want…when I want.” Here is to waiting another 4-6 weeks.
Awww, ;-(( bummed right along with you-well boys are like that.(wink,wink)
Awe, Whit that stinks!!! I think it’s a great sign as to what little peanut’s personality will be. Ella did the same thing when we had our first images of her. She kept turning her face away and covering it up, wiggled around everytime they would just about have what they needed. I think we found out she was a girl after 45 minutes and on the very last image they tried to take. With all the boys on both sides of the family, I’m almost thinking it’s a boy. Until you know, look at gender neutral ideas, there are all sorts of cute ways to decorate for both. Thinking of you sweet friend!! Love you!!!