Mascot Stationary

Once I got my items in Snyder, I had some requests for Snyder Tiger stationary.  Yay!  I was lucky to be a Snyder Tiger…cool graphics!!!!  Plus, coming up with ideas for Snyder was E A S Y for me!  Once I got the design for Snyder done (the first design by the way…more to come for all you Tiger Fans!), I knew I needed to do the surrounding smaller communities.  Ira Bulldogs and Hermleigh Cardinals.  I have to say that I am quite fond of the Bulldog design.  Also, I will admit the Cardinal design needs some work since it really comes off too Christmas-y.  But, that is okay I admit my own mistakes etc.  Right!?  Now, if I have some requests for notepads etc…then you just might see that soon, but need requests, guys!

>>>Don’t forget about those custom announcements and invitations!!!!  No one really wants those boring ones from the school.  Be uNiQue!!!!<<<

All Mascot Stationary come in a package of 15 blank notes with envelopes for $8.99+tax.  You can find them in Snyder at Down Town Depot at the Whitney Owen Designs space.  They will be available soon on my website, Whitney Owen Designs.

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