Category Archives: Personal

I am so excited to say that I am expecting baby #2 in April 2015!  I have had to sit down with my husband and talk over some concerns I have regarding working and time off.  I didn’t allow myself enough time with Trinity which left me very stressed and grouchy, which ended up allowing […]

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  • Ashley

    Love this announcement! I am curious as to what fonts you used, would you mind sharing or any similar? Congrats!

I have been without my office since February and I can tell you I am SO ready to have my own space back. When we moved into this house in September 2012, we knew eventually that we would be remodeling my office. But little did we know it would happen much sooner. The windows are […]

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  • Sophie

    What an exciting adventure!! Glad you took “before” pictures, so you can show the “after” ones that’ll blow everyone away! I just know it!!!! Happy decorating!